Tuesday, March 25, 2008






在家庭会议,他说出了事情的经过。他一方面不想放弃这个家,却也不想放弃这个女人。可是,如果两者只能选一样,他会选择后者。他说,即使他之前有过其他的女人,那些都是逢场作戏,他没有认真。可是这次,他是认真的。。。 因为他需要的是这样的女人。一个旺夫,在事业上可以帮得上忙的女人。



没有人支持他的做法。旁听者都觉得荒谬。显然大家对中国女人没什么好感。加上她是一个背景如此复杂的女人。用脚趾头想都知道这女人要的是什么。一个正经的女人不会破坏别人的家庭;一个有本事的女人不会去芽笼卖;一个聪明的女人知道要对谁下手。是他无知吗?还是身在迷雾中什么都看不清楚?脚踏实地的过日子不行吗?说这个女人旺夫就可以不顾一切的娶她吗? 有责任感点好吗?大人的事可能签一个字就解决了,但小孩呢?影响他们的用什么来衡量?



Thursday, March 20, 2008

Incredibly beautiful and touching

A gifted 5-year-old blind Korean pianist.

She will make you cry.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's not safe!

Many will agree that it's so much safer and comfortable no matter how late it is. I, also take this for granted.

On Saturday night, my housemate was robbed in the lift of my block. She was badly injured as she fought with the robber just because she didn't want to lose her bag. Bruises are everywhere, on her back, hand, arm, waist and foot. Reached the floor where we stay, the guy snatched her bag as she walked out from the lift. She shouted so loud and nobody was lending a hand.

Heard from the opposite auntie neighbour, Kim Tian has not been a safe place. Robbery happens quite often around this area. The robbers seem to know the place well as they know where to flee. Right next to our block is multi-storey car park where it's also connected to bus stop and another residential area. A very convenient spot.

I recalled the days where I used to work late and it's spine-chilling. I could be still walking along the street at 12 plus when I had all my personal belongings, including passport and 2 cellphones, as well as laptop in one bag, carried with no vigilance. That's because I have taken the safety in Singapore for granted. Fortunate enough, nothing bad happened in the past.

This also made me recalled my nearly robbed experience in lift when I was working at Menara Pelangi. If you're in doubt, don't step into the lift; Or, if you notice the person is suspicious only after you step into the lift, look into that person's eye and talk any rubbish to that person just to buy time. Because the moment you voice, you'll shock the person who's going to do something bad on you.

Safety is not granted. Safety is about self vigilance and self protection.