Wednesday, May 28, 2008

你看到啦.... 没有啦......

这是一个专为我们这群工作不忘娱乐, 又得装模作样的人而设的 feature. Maybe I "suagu", I learnt it only yesterday.

Download at:


1. Uncheck "revival hot key"

2. Check "enable quick concealment". Select your preferable "shotcut" for concealment.

Then, by pressing that shortcut, you can hide out your MSN or "revive" your MSN using the same shortcut. It's a bit like: 你看到啦.... 没有啦...... that kind of feeling. *blink*

Your boss won't see you chit-chatting around next time.

There are some other features you might find it handy also, e.g. weather forecast, slide display picture etc. Explore yourself and have fun.


Yiqi said...

ha.. i think i'm suagu too!

Anonymous said...

siami dongdong wor??

i think i'm suagu too de lor ~_~

veerla said...

download and try it out you'll know what it is....