Thursday, August 23, 2007

My life is destroyed by work?

Ming Chia said:

还有很多是要做 要烦"

I truly understand... but I can't help... just can't help..

As I really very xian in mood today.. very coincidently, T asked me to join him to Vivo for ice-cream. Yeah.... if moody, I should go for something sweet. I hope it could cheer me up.

Häagen-Dazs is really expensive.. I must say... I don't find it fantastic anyway. I'm not really satisfied... then the waitress was recommending us ice-cream mooncakes. I thought there's promotion with minimum spending, it's not as what we thought. Guess how much the mooncake cost? SGD22!! Geng lor.... According to Häagen-Dazs, "ice-cream mooncake is lovingly handcrafted with a traditional of quality and craftsmanship, using the world's finest ice-cream and best ingredients. The perfect luxury, and the perfect season's gift". Yeah... LUXURY... I agree... finest ice-cream? I don't agree.....

Would you spend SGD22 on just one pc of mooncake?? I won't.........

Then..... over MSN....
Ming Chia said again:

"停下 休息一下 未尝不是好事
心 会累 因为工作 因为心事 因为很多事
我不知道你要停下 要改变环境 会不会是个 好的决定 但我知道现在的你 不快乐 迷失了自己 因为工作? 何必
心 会累 心也会死 谁愿意 meiyouren"

A sudden heart pain when she said this to me...

"记住我的话 永远不要让工作主使你的人生
人生不过就是一个过程 何必

"很可笑 我心情那么不好 还 振振有词 说一堆教
哈哈 自寻烦恼

Thanks Ming Chia... You're consoling me while you yourself are not in good mood too... For whatever you said, thanks.

I hope you'll be fine too... although I dunno what I can do or say to cheer you up... from your display name can tell (死的心), you could be feeling more sad than me... Although I was telling myself about 死心 today..

Feeling 死心 over something, 也不过如此 .......


Ange.T said...

a new heart is under construction ..
That's why we need to get rid of the old dead heart :)

veerla said...

haha.. cher..
i like the way u put it!

潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

Stop xianing and do something for it~~

LeMontEA said...

Do what u like, and stay happy.



veerla said...

Thanks huh.. Lemontea..

Heard that u've come back? Where are you now?

LeMontEA said...

what u mean by
"Heard that u've come back? Where are you now?"

dun understand leh,hehe

veerla said...

u're not in malaysia/singapore previously right?? I thought you're in US? correct me if i'm wrong.

eh.. dun act blur leh.

LeMontEA said...

ha ha ha^@^
all the time i in s'pore lah,only weekend not in s'pore.

heehee, who said i in US? the blur Ninja papa?hahaha, thought he very clever? :P

***later he wants to kill me liao.^@^