Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Sigh... feeling very down... 就像小孩子吃不到糖那样... I've prepared myself for taking leave on Thursday and Friday, although there were chances that I cannot go, I still hoped and prayed until the last minute that I'd get my application approved. But... it disappointed me. Never mind, I hope for tomorrow, that I can get my leave on Friday approved...

Sometimes I just cannot do anything about this friend. While I was "immersing" myself in the down mood, out of sudden I received this sms:

"这礼拜务必出席。。。 我已招了大伙同时出现。。。 所以放飞机的行为是不被允许的。。。放者格杀勿论。。。"

"你自己讲要去的........ 难道你要放飞机??"

Yeah... I did mention that I might attend this Sunday, if I'm free. Today he had made me no way to say I might not able to go anymore. I can only admit that I really cannot do anything about him, at any time. After I aeroplaned my partner so many times, until today she still cannot do anything about me (perhaps she does not bother at all). My dearest partner... you know the tactic to deal with me now?

I look forward to the gathering... I know I'll be the laughing stock. Anyway, hope that we can have fun in that sauna stadium.

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