Monday, September 24, 2007

Si Beh SUAY!!!

Received this email from one of the Senior Manager (Opps... when he called me I thought he's just a small kaki..):

Dear all,

As most of you are aware, you have been selected for a short interview by ACRA (not more than 1 hr). Please proceed to training room (29 floor) this coming Monday at 8.45am for a short coordination briefing.

I've attached the interview timings for your reference. Please mark these dates and timing in your diary.

Please contact either XXX or myself if you have any questions with regards to this interview process.


Arghhhhh..... why me??? Why me???? Why me??? Say if there are 1,400 staffs in office, why am I so SUAY being selected as one of the 20???? The chances of being selected is only 1.4%. Talking audit department alone, say if there are 600 staffs (actually I don't know how many staffs are there in my department), everyone is standing only 3.3% chances of being selected also. Walao.... 买马票又不见得这么准。

I'm such a problem staff, I'm a newbies, I don't like this office, I want to quit, I have so much complaints, WHAT GOOD WORDS CAN I SAY ABOUT THE OFFICE??? Plus, an hour interview is DAMN LONG !!!


WHY ME????
WHY ME ????
WHY ME ?????
WHY ME ??????
WHY ME ???????
WHY ME ????????
WHY ME ??????????

WHY ME ?????????????????????


LeMontEA said...


潇洒走一回(少俊) said...


Anonymous said...

zomok keep calling mi wor jiejie herherr

freedom100cc said...


Buddha bless u.