Wednesday, December 5, 2007


As Stan came back from Cambodia, he told me he and his travel partners shot some weird photo at Red Piano. Pictures taken at Red Piano came with "white spot". Not just his camera, but applied to all the camera. It reminded me of the photos I took in within this pumpkin compartment at Buddha Park....

P/S: Info about Buddha Park - Read here.

This is the 2nd storey... which I believe it represented hell. It's the only storey with dim light., whereas the other 2 storey were just dark. I merely think it's special so I turned back to take photo.

I noted these "white spots" on my first shoot. I thought it was my finger prints on the lens so I wiped it before I took the second shoot.

Again... after wiping the lens, it didn't make much difference.... "white spots" were clearly seen.

Told Ninja about this, the picture he took also came with these "white spot". What are these? *eerie*

According to Haunted Kent, they are orb.

What is an orb?

- Orbs are believed (by many) to be ghosts in the form of balls of light.
- they travel in groups and are believed to be the human soul or life force of those that once inhabited a physical body here on earth
- they are those spirits that have willingly stayed behind because they feel bound to their previous life
- they tend to become similar to a psychotic human beings
- ghostly orbs are the most photographed anomalies caught on film by ghost hunters and are quite photogenic (when they want to be)
- they can be completely transparent or display themselves in a bright solid form
- it is theorized that ghosts prefer the form of an Orb (ball of light) because it takes less energy thus being the mode of choice among the ghosts
- it seems that ghosts tend to find it easier to take on shapes other than orbs
- it is also believed that they are able to draw on our own energy when needed

I'm not going to copy and paste the whole discussion here. If you're interested, read up Haunted Kent.


MISTY said...

stop all these ghost things!!!!!! u not scare i am scare leh....

Anonymous said...

Well, I always believe there are some spirit around us. I got a cousin, she can see many spirit at her young age until her family sent her to close up her 陰陽眼.

Ninja is your bf? hohoho... 怪不得人家会生气 when I gave comment that time. No wonder he scold me like hell la. 我真是有眼不識泰山! :p


Ninjapura said...

Aiyoh why u wan to post those pictures to scare people... shld also tell them abt the ghost in your room hor... more scary!

veerla said...
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veerla said...

misty: aiyoh.. miss... u didn't see anything, scare wat? ha.. but sorry huh.. u've listened too much from me.

Forest: he 名草有主 already. after i found out what the sentence meant, personally i think ur comment is rather rude. *no offence*

Ninja: pls lah.. my room is not haunted...

Ninjapura said...
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Ninjapura said...

maybe you should make it clear that my flower is ... you...? haha... if not people wil keep guessing eh my dear :)