Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Write for my reader

Now then I know I have this silent reader.... This drunk cat commented my blog is like a food and tour advertisement and promotion. -_- Okay okay... I write something that he most likes - relationship. ^_^

Had a bit of chit chat with different ppl recently and coincidently they're all about relationship. Last Sunday I chatted with my brothers and sister. My brother said:

Bro: 有3 种女孩子要不得。年轻不定性,喜欢去喝酒的;现实的;还有就是脾气坏的。
Me: 脾气坏? 你在讲谁?
Bro: 哎呀。。。 女孩子都是有脾气的嘛。。可是爸爸讲,忍一下就好了。哈哈。
Me: 女孩子怎样个现实法?
Bro: Nor... 那些出去吃东西每次装傻不给钱的。没事没事就叫男孩子去载的。有些更过分,打电话叫人出来吃东西,就是要你去给钱。哎呀,你们没有这样被对待过是不会明白的。
Sis: 哦。。 你被利用过啊?难怪感触这么深。哈哈哈哈。
Me: 是咩??有这么厚脸皮的咩?特地打电话叫别人来载?酱大牌的咩??
Bro: 有。。。 一大堆。。 吊起来卖一样。那些喜欢我的每次都叫我出去,我都没有睬。我才没有酱笨。找不到我她们就找XG和DM。XG,DM 每次都应酬她们的。找不到XG她们就找DM。我只有在一大群人一起去的时候才会碰到他们。
Sis: DM排最后。。。哈。。 可怜勒。。。酱她们会不会喜欢XG? 反正你们长到也有点像。
Bro: 哎呀。。。DM笨笨的啦,一个电话来就特地去载人。她们喜欢我,你说她们会喜欢XG咩? Sis: 酱她们美的吗?
Bro: Hoho... 会喜欢我的都不美的咯。。。 哈哈哈。。。 我已经没有 market value liao....
Sis: hahahaha..... 难怪对别人不理不睬。。。
Me:是啦。。 看到美女就扑上去。。。 肤浅。。
Bro: Eh..... 拒绝人也是要婉转的。。。 不然会连朋友都没得做。。。
Me: 是咯。。。 男孩子就是酱的。。 我碰过一个,拒绝廖就没有再联络了。Aiyer... 小气鬼。这种人不联络也罢。
Bro: 他们觉得没有面子嘛。。。 一些而已啦。。哎呀。。。 这种人就算了吧。。 可以不用理。。 女生也不是一样。。。
Etc.. etc.... etc....... Above are purely for entertainment. Hehe...

My client had a long talk with me about her relationship also. She's getting married but she's secretly admiring someone. I asked her why she cannot let go since her wedding is just around the corner. She told me that anything could happen during the period before her wedding. *Gosh* Eventhough she's committed to a marriage but that doesn't mean nothing could be changed before she officially gets married. Then I recalled my another guy friend also told me the same thing sometime last week. What a world.

Then I brought this up to drunk cat, he said:" I want to be lonely driver, I don't need woman. The world is so beautiful, why go marry? Enjoy the freedom!" -_-" Fine..... Then another friend commented something more negative. He said: "True lo... marry mean wat? nothing. Nothing is forever, everything can change. There is ONLY one thing in this world never change, that is, everyday we just walking towards our day of DEATH".

Faint ~~ There he goes again....

"See, everything really worthless, just live day by day. I see open, maybe even happier. Cos to me, nothing so important... it's like.. so transient, nothing's important... "

Is it really that bad?? That's very grey and negative, isn't it?

A bit of chit chat

Haven't seen LH for quite sometime. Had a bit of chit chat with him last Friday. He told me about his "near-kena-whacked" experience when he was asked to watch his friend's house on his friend's marriage day. The story begins:

On the big day, whether or not his friend aware of the risk of leaving house empty on his big day but I guess his friend probably know they're spotted. Wedding dinner held in the evening, to avoid leaving the house empty, LH was asked to watch his house while all his friend's family members were out for wedding dinner.

As LH was washing the plates after dinner, he saw one or two of the window leaf was not properly positioned. He looked out the window but didn't see anything, nor did he hear any sound.

Two days later, his friend called him. He thought his friend was calling on courtesy to thank him. Who knows his friend called to tell him that somebody actually broke into the house on his wedding day. But thank god they did not lose anything. Maybe the thief (I shall call him thief cos he's not daring, trying to do something bad in the dark) saw him when he entered in the house through backdoor and back off cos of fear. Wooden stick and brick were found at yard.

LH was telling me that he was not aware of the break in at all but he thought both him and his friend were lucky. His friend did not suffer monetary losses while he also met some petty thief thus he's untouched. It's believed that the thief was our "dearest friendly friend". He cannot imagine what would happen if he's an Indonesian or the "black".

Now then I know house got spotted on wedding day.... I thought only the ang paos during banquet.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Couch potato

Oh gosh..... I've been a couch potato this weekends. I watched 6 episodes of Coffee Prince on Saturday. Then, today, I spent my evening and night watching High School Musical 2 and 200 Pounds Beauty. One is cheerful, but another is sad.

High School Musical 1 was on Channel 5 sometimes ago. That was when High School Musical 2 was about to release and that's how I learnt about .

I didn't intend to watch High School Musical 1 but was merely stunned by this song - Start of Something New. Bascially I like the musical show, their voices are just FABULOUS. So I followed through till the end of the show. It made think of my high school days where I dreamt and daringly pursued. Now, I dream, but I might not pursue...

High School Musical 2 was talking about their summer holidays. I prefer High School Musical 1 maybe because I don't like the theme. Hehe. I dun like summer basically. But Zac Efron looks better in 2nd series. (Yeah... He also participated Hairspray) The only song in High School Musical 2 that impressed me was this - You Are The Music In Me.

Then, I want to talk about 200 Pounds Beauty, which is more controversial.

Before I watched, my sister told me she cried throughout the movie. Yes, from beginning till the end as she felt very sad about this gal. Because of this guy, she lost herself. She sacrificed so many valuable things around her. She even left her dad behind. This reflects truely the cruelty of this society. Everybody likes the beauty on surface before anything - before the inner beauty is revealed.

I see how a person presents in public important. That's what I learnt from Coffee Prince. Frankly speaking, the 2 guys don't really have sharp features but the fact is, they're tall, they have good figure and they dress well! The combination of the above equal to presentable. Guys, if you're not good-looking that's fine cos guys will be looking good if they are tall and muscular. That's why guys go gymnasium. They drink protein and work out just to shape their body which will make them look great.

Then, what about gals? Gals will be looking good if they're slim and fair. The best of all is to have a pair of sparkling eyes. It's okay if you do not have the attributes, it can be mended by flawless make-up. That's why women think cosmetics worth an investment.

All of the above are back to one square - to gain confidence, to be attractive.

I read something today, coincidently. "Deep insecurity is what is ugly, not a flabby belly or chunky thighs.... Ugly is self-prophesying". Ppl easily see things they dun love about themselves; can you list down things that you do like about yourself?


很久没有看电视剧了。有多久?快一年了吧 记得上一次追的是<<宫>>。 也不算追看,基本上我是 fast-forward 的看,重点式的看。故事太长了啦。

上个礼拜,突然有一种想追戏的感觉,皮痒就去买韩剧看。为什么是韩剧呢?个人觉得韩剧是最不需要用脑想的。就是笑笑,看看就算了。 又有帅哥美女,赏心悦目。不用费什么力气;港剧不同。看港剧,头脑要跟着剧情一起转。坏人让人咬牙切齿,蛮费力的。当下的心情只是想不费力气的浪费时间。

想想也不知道要买什么戏,就去 Cari 看看有什么 recommendation. 强力推荐的就是这部超人气的<<咖啡王子一号店>>。没听过这出戏,不要紧。就看看是谁演。4 个人当中就只认得尹恩惠。看她在<<宫>>的表现还不错,加上是以咖啡厅作背景,所以就二话不说的去买了。

前面几集还好,看看笑笑就过了。可是越看就越看不下去,reason being 太拖了啦!昨天还是把这部戏看完了。唉。。 做人要有始有终嘛。。。。 呵呵。。 其实非也,我是为男主角而奋斗的。哈哈。一个是充满艺术气息,声音是少有的好听;另一个身材超棒,有点像年轻时的林学长。恩。。 我的确是冲着这两个男主角而来。


从这部戏学到了什么?高恩灿的勤奋、积极、耿直、真诚、善良、不倒翁精神?Nah..... 我比较肤浅,只看到人靠衣装,佛靠金装。 看看自己的 office,穿着得体的就已经赢得别人一半的信任;随便穿的,别人就会说你不 professional;不顺眼就少跟你合作,制造一点小麻烦。有时不得不承认,外貌与穿着起着一定的作用。不漂亮的,打扮一下也会漂亮起来;不帅的,勤劳锻炼也会为自己的魅力加分。可惜这些都不是一朝一夕的。气质,靠的也是经年累月的累积。


Friday, November 23, 2007

IELTS? Relax lah...

IELTS - International English Language Testing System (IELTS). For those who studied in overseas before, I am sure you know what it is. I sat this test twice before. One of which was right after I graduated from Foon Yew. In the end, I didn't go overseas within 2 years time and the results lapsed. Wasted. Then, the second attempt was in year 2002, 3 months before I went further studies in Australia. It was quite stressful cos it's like 万事具备, 只欠东风. Everything's in plan, should I don't get the desire result as required by the university, I'd need to defer another semester. But heng ah, I passed.

Now it's my sister's turn to sit the paper. I know she must be very stressed regardless how much I told her it's a test, not really an examination and nothing to prepare for, except the essay. She must be crazy cos all the questions she asked me was to do with the stationaries!

Pig: I ask u hor :) IELTS use pencil to shade answer... then how about short answer and essay? Pencil or pen?
Me: I think pencil or pen also can. I remember last time I used pen. You bring both and listen to the instruction.
Pig: Oh.. Okay... thanks..

2 mins later, she sms me again....

Pig: Then can bring highlighter? Can use liquid?
Me: Walao... u bring your whole pencil case lah.... they will give you clear instruction one la.. u very funny leh
Pig: Scare mah... Heiyer.... U dun understand de la....
Me: Aiyah... relax lahhh.... u worry all about stationaries for wat??
Pig: Just scare la... Never study anything important... Here cannot online totally... bought a book and only know the format..
Me: Aiyah... relax lah.... it's not exam but a test.. nothing you can prepare except essay... don't worry too much..

Relax lah Ah Moi... just a test... I prepared only the essay lor... then read those essay aloud lor... cos the last part of the exam is "speaking". Just "practice" as you read the essay as if you're talking to yourself. Haha... Relax lah.............

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Problem with Yahoo Mail again

My last problem encountered with Yahoo Mail was solved...

I've been expecting an important email these days. Yeah, indeed important. Important to the extend I'd log in to Yahoo Mail first thing in the morning, followed by a few times surprise check for the rest of the day. As I did not receive any reply since then, I decided to drop another email just to follow up. I got a prompt reply from the other end but the reply really gave me a shock of my life. Kinda disappointing cos I missed out an opportunity to catch up!

The other end responded that he did reply me last week. I was very shocked to hear this. Miss C told me the email could have been ended up in spam folder......

What kind of emails sit in spam folder? It's all those email spam right? It could be those winning notifications, porn web links and some of those in alien language which I'd never understand. But the thing is, who cares to browse the spam folder?? Seriously I'd never click on that "spam" as circled in red to see what's in. Who will did that??

I did it just now. -_-" Having known that he did reply me, I seriously browsed my spam and I SAW MY LONG EXPECTED EMAIL SAT IN MY SPAM!!!! Oh my god!! Was this fated? Come on, the email had been ding-dong a few times and it's from my end to this contact, how would this particular reply (and only this particular reply from this contact) end up in spam while the others not??? I really feel like cursing this Yahoo Mail to hell!!

Come on, spam folder collects junk mails and those bo liao emails that were sent in bulk! As I browsed through the folder, I found that there were emails from headhunters also in there!!! Gosh, speechless...

I moved all the "valid" emails from known senders to my Inbox and deleted the rest. From today onwards, as I check my inbox I'll also check this stupid spam folder just in case any of my emails fall into this folder. Oh my god, I really cannot tolerate same thing to happen in future again.

Go check yours to make sure you don't miss out any important message as well.

Yahoo Mail, go die please.

Monday, November 19, 2007


每个星期一都是符爸爸载我去 bus station。

哦。。 等一下,我吃不下。刚刚吃面包。

“Eh.... 好了没有?迟廖。。。 等一下巴士跑掉廖。。”

在车上,符爸爸就开始重复一些我听了不懂多少遍的话, things like:
“油炸的东西不要吃。。” “哦,我没有吃油炸的东西。。”
“要喝多多水。。 就像树一样,不浇水也是会死的。。。” “哦。。。”
“吃东西不要吃太饱,吃7分饱就好。。。” “哦。。。”
“菜要多吃一点har。。。 水果要吃一点har。。。” “哦。。。”
“窗口要打开,不然空气不流通。。。” 有灰尘。。。 我受不了。。
etc.... etc....


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Frustrated with Yahoo Mail

Has anyone encountered this problem with Yahoo Mail?

My account was set to sign in automatically. Now I cannot do anything about this Yahoo Mail except for previewing my mail. Can't reply, can't sign out and can't switch back to classic mode.

Can somebody tell me how to resolve this? Arghhhh! *&^&^*#((&*$&^#@*

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I'm so regretful of being so honest....

As the "news" spreaded around the office, I also started to have counsel session with managers. I've reminded myself for not getting into things too much personal, as in I merely wanted to tell my decision was solely based on health problem and I really need a long break. But then... today, with this manager, I revealed how I feel about my portfolios, how unconfidence I am to the system, how I don't like the working style of certain managers.... although it was just a bring-up, the management will quote my words, maybe. She's someone I owed, and I really feel sorry. But again, management can hardly be trusted somehow... so stupid of me..

Another session with my "beloved" manager tomorrow. Sigh... let me go without further counsel la...

Lesson to learn: never ever get into things too personal with management...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Eateries at Vientiane (Part 6) - L 'Opera

L 'Opera is located at Fountain - centre of the town. A few restaurants and cafes can be found here, pricey though.

L 'Opera serves Italian food. That's the only Italian food that we had in Vientiane. Entering the restaurant, one can hear the opera music in the background. It's played continously. We went there right after the meal by the river... (horrible)

Candle lit dinner. Every table has this opera singer, down at the candle stand stated the name of the restaurant and the location.

A close up of the candle stand.

Pleasant environment.

The entree - like a crispy crepe.

Mussels in tomato sauce.

Short pasta with oyster. Only managed to finish the oyster and 30% of the pasta. Too filling.

Dessert - Tiramisu and homemade ice-cream (blueberry). The ice-cream was fantastic. It tasted like yogurt ice-cream.

Frankly speaking, the food didn't impress me much except for the entree and ice-cream. The meal cost USD36.50. Whether or not it worth the value, you judge yourself.. :)


Out of sudden, 收到这个人的SMS。我和这个羽球队的前队长从来就没有联络,SMS一来就是红色炸弹。在大家都会出席的情况下,我也去啦!

新娘子是谁?我也不知道。只是道听途说她也是打羽球的。刘小姐对这个新娘子很有意见。呵呵。哎。。。。谁叫你不采取行动?结果也就只能这样了。。。不要伤心 ok? 找我陪你喝酒去。去听我们的偶像唱歌。呵呵。

久违了,符老师。。9 年不见了。真感动,老师还记得我的名字。呵呵。老师看到我,劈头就骂我没良心。毕业后就从来没有找他喝喝茶,聊聊天。然后就开始诉说谁谁谁找过他,谁谁谁又怎么样了 etc。。。 仿佛就是暗示着 - 就只是我这个没良心的。好啦好啦。。 下次请你喝咖啡啦。。。看在你说我没有变(老)的份上。哈哈。


发现老师的记忆力还不是普通的好。一些我都不记得的东西他竟然还 store 在 memory 里面。惭愧啊。


我们的 table 只有我们5个,50% 的人放飞机。还好有老师和司仪,乐手和偶像来充充场面。
回家的路上,接到陈先生的电话。夸张的陈先生竟然搞错日期,他还以为是礼拜天。。。 哎呀。。 还有一个比我更没良心的。。。 哈哈。。

当当。。。。 当晚的司仪兼歌手,乐手和歌手(偶像)。哈。。 顺便帮林学长打广告。。。 有空去去射手座就会看到他们了。

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Eateries at Vientiane (Part 5) - Along the river

Riverview taken from the balcony of our room.

Along the Mekong river, there are many stalls selling grilled stuffs. The place becomes quite happening since evening as locals or tourists will flow to the river for beer and snacks, while sun goes down over the river.

The establishment is Lao-style and simple. Only mat and low tables are set up. Diners will need to take off their shoes, sit crossed leg or stretch your leg on the mat.

Almost all the stalls sell the same thing. Grilled fish is the key player, it can be seen everywhere.

Sun set by the river. It's a pleasant place for chit-chat and relax.

For those who have not seen me for ages... Yeah... I fat a lot... *sob* *sob* Could somebody tell me how to lose 3 kgs in a week? If I can gain 3 kgs in a week, rightfully, it will also mean I can lose 3 kgs in a week right? Argh~

Sit down and have some beer. Dang Dang Dang Dang.... Introducing Beer Lao.... quite superior in taste. I think it tastes better than Heineken and Carlsberg. Try it if you happen to see it.

Grilled prawns.

A nightshot of the dining area. Mozzy~~ mozzy~~ it could be annoying. One shortfall of the place when come to night time. I kena a few bite. Argh~~

The meal cost 90,000 Kips in total.

Eateries at Vientiane (Part 4) - Le Silapa

Le Silapa is another French-managed, double-storey restaurant, located at Thanon Sihom. Compared to Le Côte d'Azur, this restaurant is another splurge. However, it's comparatively cheaper than Le Belle Epoque. Main courses start at USD6.

We went for lunch and the restaurant offered set lunch. Set lunch comes with soup or salad, main course, dessert and coffee or tea. Set meal was relatively cheaper which cost only USD6.50. We grabbed a set lunch plus a main course.

As usual, bread and butter as entree.

I chose salad as my appetizer to start with. Lettuce, tomatoes, onion and some unknown green leaves. Not sure what the dressing was but definitely not the typical french dressing. Anyway, yummy.

White fish on rice with red wine sauce. A good match of rice and the sauce. I had some of the rice because of the sauce cos I don't eat plain rice without sauce. Hehe.

Another main course - foie gras. Delicacy in French cuisine but not my cup of tea.. I nearly puked on my first try. Sorry, I do not know to appreciate goose liver.

Dessert - Lemon sorbet (sherbet). The first try was sour. After a few dips, it tasted alright for me.

Total cost for the meal was around USD23. Foie gras cost USD14.50 which should be considered very cheap right?

Eateries at Vientiane (Part 3) - La Belle Epoque

Dining at La Belle Epoque in the Settha Palace Hotel - claimed to be the classiest cafe in town. When it's said the classiest and splurgy, the price of the food is also costly...

An atmosphere of colonial elegance. It attracted many "ang mohs", and even Japanese and Korean. Price of the food starts at USD8.

No order of soup, nor salad mainly because we're not very hungry. I was still in the midst of digesting the giant sandwich I had in the morning (I managed to eat half of it only). Hence, only 2 main courses were ordered, plus Vientiane Sling as drink.

Grilled salmon with black pepper, served with papaya salad and rice. The salmon was very fresh thus it did not come with the "smell". I don't know how to describe the smell. Usually when the salmon is not so fresh it comes with a "smell", isn't it? Get what I mean? The meat was sweet and juicy. Papaya salad was also tasty. I left the rice untouched.

Mok fish in banana leave. I thought it's amok fish that we had in Cambodia but it turned out to be fish seasoned with herbs, steamed in banana leave. A local delights served with rice. Not very special to me.

A close up of the fish..

This course of meal cost USD48 in total.... the most pricey meal that we had amongst all. The bill included government tax and service charge. Apart from that, you also pay for the atmostphere and colonial dining environment.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Eateries at Vientiane (Part 2) - Le Côte d'Azur

Le Côte d'Azur is a French managed restaurant located at Thanon Fa Ngum - Main street of the town, facing Mekong River. A mid-range restaurant. The only restaurant that we visited twice. One of which was day 1's dinner; another day was our last meal at Vientiane.

A pleasant atmosphere, dimmed light and nicely decorated.

Entree and starter - Crispy bread, fish soup and onion soup. Bread was baked in a traditional oven. What I meant by traditional oven was, it's oven with charcoal and fire. Not those conventional oven that works with gas or electricity. The fish soup was rich in flavour. It made me think of the oyster soup that I had at Raffles Hotel. Onion soup tasted not bad as well.

We did order salad but didn't take a photo of it. A big plate of salad with fresh vegetables, mint leave and herbs. The salad looked very attractive because of the colors - mixture of green, orange (carrot) and red (tomatoes).

White fish with various seafood in white wine sauce. Very juicy meal. The main course was like another course of soup to me. The sauce was fantastic. At the side of the plate, it was deep fried basil in batter. Incorporated local culture, this main course was served with rice. I didn't have the rice at all. The main course was too big a portion and was more than enough for me.

Another main course, I have no idea of the name. It's steak with some mushroom on top. Don't know what the sauce was but it was with a strong wine taste. The dishes was served with the battered basil, some veggie and pototoes at side. The potatoes was fantastic. Hehe. The only thing that I tried as I don't eat beef.

We had house wine for 30,000 kips each. Intended to have dessert but in the end, the food was too filling, we gave up. I cannot even finish my main course....

The meal cost 216,000 Kips in total. A treat from Ninja. Hoho.

Eateries at Vietiane (Part 1) - Nok-Noy Restaurant

Started off with the budget local delights.

The first meal that we had was at this Nok-Noy Restaurant. It's a restaurant run by 3 girls. There serves traditional Laos food and it's a restaurant recommended by guide book. Prices were moderate. Main dishes starts at USD1 generally.

Lap - Laos-style salad. Strangely it's served hot. More like a mint stir-fry pork to me. The dressing was black pepper with some herbs and spices.

Stir-fry morning glory. Quite plain but tasty. Amongst all dishes, I like this most.

Fish soup. Strong lemon taste. Sour.

Spices stir-fry fish. Normal stir-fry. Sauce was special but the fish... I used to call this kind of fish kampung fish which I don't quite like though, acceptable still.

Spring roll and dragon fruit shake. Laos-style spring rolls taste similar to our "wu xiang". Quite oily... The dragon fruit shake was very sweet. Think it's mainly because of the condensed milk. Laos like to add condensed milk into the fruit shake which makes the shake very sweet, at the expense of the original taste of fruit.

This meal cost us 450 baht for 2. Because of this meal, we decided to exchange our baht to kip to minimise the exchange loss. Hehe. The restaurant converted baht at the rate of 1 Baht = 247 Kip.

** For your information, approximately 1 Baht = 282 Kip; USD1 = 9500 Kip.

Back from Thai-Laos trip

Yeah.... I'm back from trip... Reached home at 12 plus... started to clean up myself, my dusty room, unpacked my stuff, crap with KY and check emails till 3am... Ended up couldn't wake up in the morning so I was an hour late for work... Not something unusual though, not as what I planned to. First thing to do when I was back office today was to give my "love letter" to HR and mentor manager. Yes... I've tendered my resignation. Hoho. That's what D-day meant.

It's a sinful and fattening trip cos I'd been eating a lot in the past few days... I've been telling around how good the food is in Laos. Miss C couldn't really believe it and want me post her some pictures for her to see herself. Alright... hehe... so I'm going to tell you guys about the food first - that's the most exiciting things to share.

Vientiane, in summary, is nothing but all about food. There are a few "wat" to tour, very few sightseeings, nothing much to buy. Sourvenirs are generally imported. Things are the same as you've seen in Vietnam or Thailand. If you're interested in antiques, there are a number of shops to shop around.

Nothing special about local food except for baguette (which is really really yummy). It's more authentic to taste baguette at local kopitiam. One should look for French food in Vientiane. It's comparatively cheaper than in Malaysia or Singapore for the same quality of food.

Itenerary of this Thai-Laos trip is summarised as follow:

Day 1 (Nov 2) - Departed at 6:30pm. Stayed over at Bangkok.
Day 2 (Nov 3) - Ayuttaya
Day 3 - 5 (Nov 4-6) - Vientiane
Day 6 (Nov 7) - Half day at Vientiane, half day at Nong Khai
Day 7 (Nov 8) - Full day at Bangkok - Grand Palace, Wat Pho and Jim Thompson. Fly back Singapore in the evening.

Monday, November 5, 2007

I'm in Vientiane

I'm in Vientiane.... enjoying cheap and quality food..

Laos is really a place for food and relax. The standard of living is low. One can really "da chi da he" to the fullest and it might cost you only USD15 to 20, whereas that kind of food if you have it in Singapore or Malaysia, it will cost you maybe SGD200?

Vientiane is a small town and easy to walk around. One can really walk around without fear. One may also walk at a very slow pace. I strongly recommend you guys to come here for holiday.

Just a day or 2 will be just nice. Bring SGD200 and you'll eat till you siao... haha...