Saturday, April 14, 2007

First blog

I finally set up my blogspot since the very first time I talked about this to drums (long long time ago which I couldn't remember myself also). I said to him that I read blogs but I don't write. I also mentioned that blogging a way to record our life. He said: why not? just blog! To record your life. Well... my reply to others will usually be: I have no time.

Since I started working as auditor, I have used to put up with this excuse. Am I really running out of time? It's an excuse somehow, I know. When you keep telling yourself that you have no time, you'll really have no time for other things other than work. So I decided to do something for myself, telling myself I have time in a way. Since I have been experiencing some dramatic changes in my life recently, I also want it to be recorded. :)

How would I name my blog as "Somewhere I belong"? 人生中最难的就是摆正自己的位置,抚平自己的心态,走好自己的路. I read this somewhere at wsj's blog. Yeah.... I agree..... As I'm always in a position whereby I wonder if I'm getting to the right track or am I making a right move. Well, quoting wsj's sentence: life will lead you somewhere. Reading others' blogs I know that, the little blog space will somehow be a space where one's belong... where you release your thoughts, your stress, your feelings and your sharings.. That's how I got the name.

I was trying to use as the url... geez... the address is not available!! Who else will be using this indian-like name? So I went to check out who is this guy with great mind alike... hee... you may check out too if you're curious ... :) But again... don't get mixed up.... let me remind you that my blog is at http:\\ 谢谢赏脸