Tuesday, June 19, 2007



I happened to come across this article today... *sad* Sometimes I really feel that standard of living in Malaysia is too high (or, shall I said our RM is invaluable?), while the salary level in general is low. Hence, many ppl are living in 水深火热之中. Especially JB, things are inflated as we're close to Singapore. Those who work in Singapore have higher purchasing power as opposed to local who work in JB. Imagine a guy (A) earn SGD3,000 and a guy (B) who earn RM3,000...... How much does the food cost? In JB, B could have spent RM5 on lunch whereas B spends SGD2.5o (it's possible to buy lunch at RM2.50, really!) on lunch. A buys 3-in-1 coffee at SGD4.00 and B buys the same thing for RM9. The living of expenses is doubled on B, while there will be extra for A for other additional things. Many ppl are struggling for living in Malaysia.....

Looking at the expenses for a family of 4 members, I really don't see the family could save in any aspect. Car instalment of RM500 is considered low; house instalment of RM900 is also low; living expenses of RM650 sounds extremely low to me; petrol RM200 is also at low end; Mama雜費 RM200? incredible low.... well, think the most they can cut low is the insurance... but having said that, the family doesn't save for future?

How does my family survive? I wonder..... My parents could have raised us up to grown-up, sent us to private schools and even can send me to university. How was all these done? I'd never know.. but I'm thankful.


Ninjapura said...

As I said, earn more spend more loh. The only way is to save n save. But save mean no enjoyment.

veerla said...

There are basic things for living which you cannot save anyhow.....

Laluna said...

hi, passby ur blog~~ what a nice blog!
Totally agreed with you, the living cost in JB is really very high as compared with Singapore. That's why the crime rate is higher in JB! =)

veerla said...

hi laluna... 久闻大名
I always see your comments in wsj's blog. hehe.

潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

where got? laluns very seldom leavea message in myy blog oh~~~

veerla said...

hello... i also noe this theory okay.. did i compare? i'm merely stating the fact. u never earn RM before you won't understand how ppl are struggling for life.

laluna left msg in ur blog before la.. i'm sure.. if not where else do i see her big name? maybe not always but that's the impression that always see the name there ma.

Anonymous said...

Saving is only part of it. if you make $600/week the maximum you can save probably $500/week. so the ultimate "solution" is to make more money. there is no limit out there, there is no limit on how much you can earn.

don't waste too much time on how can you can save. should spend more effort on how you can make more money.

most importantly, spend the before tax money. because I am paying 30% income tax here! what's the rate over there anyway?

veerla said...

H-man, tax rate in Australia is extremely high... hey.. i think Inland Revenue still owe me money leh.. last time i didn't do all the claiming before I came back.

Tax rate in Malaysia = ranging from 1% to 28%
Tax rate in Singapore = ranging from 3.5% to 20%

Wa... now then i know malaysia's tax rate is higher.. both for individuals and companies.