Sunday, June 3, 2007

One day trip to Bukit Lamba

It's been a year since last visit to Bukit Lamba. Melvin suddenly proposed the idea of climbing Bukit Lamba on Friday and we set off to Kluang the next day morning! Crazy. But anyway, Kluang is very near to JB. It's only 1 hour plus drive.

Talking about Kluang, there's something I wouldn't miss if I travelled to Kluang. That's the coffee shop at Kluang Railway Station.

Little renovation noted. At least a proper board was put up to show the name. hehe.

My usual way of order: Baked soft bun + hot drink (Coffee or Tea)

After breakfast, we went straight to Bukit Lamba. It was quite crowded as it was public holiday on June 2, 2006. I was merely told by my mum it was public holiday, not knowing what exactly the day was. Majority were from JB as we met a few groups of ppl from JB. Some were practicing for their Mount KK, some came for the sake of hiking. A word from a uncle I find it very funny: "You also from JB? 为什么这么多傻人??" Well.... it's a place for exercise... where do you see mountain or hill in JB?

Visitors are welcomed by the hanging bridge....

The way to half hill is not a difficult task to anyone. Basically you just walk only. There are made with staircase for easier climbing. Certain part is quite steep though.

There are staircases.... Just take your step slowly...

Little waterfall on the way to half hill.

We took about 30 minutes to reach half hill, including the time we took pictures here and there. It's not a difficult task right? But then, by the time we reach half hill, we're actually in a sweat.

Journey to top hill is a challenge to me. The path is not nicely constructed and one really needs support from the tree root and robe all along the way. No more staircase and no more walk along the way but climb.

Rocks are everywhere......

Steep and rockery... but路是人走出来的....

*scream* AAAaaaaa.... 恶心

From half hill to top hill it took us about 45 mins. 脚已经很酸了.....

A view at top hill... it's nothing though...

Bukit Lamba is a good place for exercise. It's not really difficult to climb. I saw auntie, uncles and even kids can do it. It further evidences that it's a place for family. But then, again, 上山容易下山难, what old ppl said are right. Going down, one must be very very careful cos it's slippery. An advice is to lower down your body, 放低重心, it helps. :) That's also why you'll get your body sore and pain the next day. hehe..


Yiqi said...

interesting~ once in a while get ourselves blend with the natural.. u will feel that WORK SHIT is nothin ~

潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

Ha~~ even a lot of old men and women climb mount KK like nothing~~~ :)

take a deep breath.. fresh~~

veerla said...

yalor... actually very shuang leh... although got muscle pain here and there... i think i must have accumulated a lot of toxic lor... cos the sweat was smelly...

Ninjapura said...

Ha~~ even a lot of old men and women climb bukit lamba like nothing~~~ :)

take a deep breath.. fresh~~

*laugh hysterically*

Anonymous said...

the photos are really nice :)

veerla said...

Loan: *surprised* Thanks... I clicked on your blog link... erm... it's not the language that i understand though, I can barely guess what Crédito means.. hiak..

Anonymous said...

These photographs are very nice