Sunday, June 17, 2007


今天看了各大报章,我有兴趣的是昨天“十萬火急--全民拼治安”的研讨,警民对话。我没有去。我爸爸去了回来跟我们“报告”了一些内容。对于警方的解释,我非常同意其中一个读者的言论:“问题发生只会用尽脑汁去找藉口,不懂得把脑汁善用在防止罪案...引用香港人说的一句话“解释也就是掩饰”...” 看到其中一篇报道,想起wsj 在MSN讲的。。。 我不苟同。

力辩治安没民众所说严重 警指责华文报炒作




他认为,华文报这种报导的手法,不像巫英文报章扼要的处理手法。 这样的结果,刘氏认为,会导致新山市民误认为,新山的治安日益恶化,这令他们忧心忡忡。


“这些罪犯,通常都是在‘神志不清’的情况下干案的。” 警方最后希望,新山民众不要把罪案率的提高,归咎于种族问题,同时也不要将事情政治化。


Gang rape cases enrage public

"Since the gang rape, I’ve been bombarded with calls and SMSes from my constituents who are worried about the increase in violent crime," said Johor Jaya state assemblyman Tan Cher Puk.

State MCA chief Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek urged the public to remain calm. "Do not let racial sentiment go to your head, and turn the crime issue into an emotional topic," he said in Muar


The priority should be to let the police investigate and capture the suspects as soon as possible. "The criminals picked their victims randomly and the public should not think that a particular race is being targeted."

Calling for the SMS campaigns to end, he described these as irresponsible acts which would stir up emotions.



如果说这是媒体的渲染,“荼毒”大家的想法,我倒觉得这样的说法有欠公平。当我还在新山工作的时候,所见所闻那些发生在同事身上的掠夺伤人案不胜枚举。有的甚至发生在新同事上班的第一天。走在路上,包包摇一两下,就不见了;走在回家的路上,就莫名奇妙的被推倒,抢了东西还被拖到伤痕累累。这些事情就发生在我们的周边。这些都没有见报的。。 试想想还有多少案件是没有见报的?当你去报警的时候,警察还说:这种事情每天都有,我们也没办法。有些还懒到叫你自己写report. 我曾经也在去取车的途中被可疑人物跟着,虽然没有不幸的事发生(因为同事突然出现),可是那种惊吓程度,我没办法用言语形容。

为什么 ang moh 报和 malay media 没有篇幅连连呢??试想想,华人的言论会出现在 Straits Time 还是 Berita Harian 吗??当华人要知道更多资料,他的管道难道不是华文报章,而是那些ang moh 报和 malay media 吗??Berita Harian 的新闻记者难道是华人吗?华人的舆论会写去ang moh 报和 malay media 吗??我想不会吧。如果事情是发生在我们的异族同胞身上,我们的malay media 就只是那么一小篇幅吗??每个族群都会对某些课题有不同程度的敏感度,这是不可否认的。在这个现实的社会,大家都会为自己的利益争取些什么。难道奢望别人会为你做些什么when you keep quiet?? 别人不会知道你在想什么如果you just keep quiet. 我不认为华人媒体的大肆报道有什么错。如果大家都封锁消息,我们根本就不会提防,不会知道事情的真相。虽然有时候我不同意媒体借用一些课题来刺激销量。




Ninjapura said...


Alot of people just 掩耳盜鈴. Yeah "力辩治安没民众所说严重 警指责华文报炒作" was what I heard from the forum. And I also heard this theory from one of my friends too.

When we small citizen making noise, alot of people will say we just ranting and it's not going to help. But if we all keep quiet, who will care about us?

All these are fact and 事實就擺在眼前﹗

veerla said...

it's not about the racial problem.. don't think anyone was arrowing to that topic. I read the news mentioning malays and indians also participated the campaigne yesterday. When I signed the petition online, I even saw malay's name. The problem lie with the attitude of the police towards the crime. Something's also wrong with the system. It's ridiculous when something happen, you must report to the police station of that particular area. Like my bro lost his wallet at Kulai and only noticed when he got home. He was asked to report at Kulai when he went to the nearby police station. luckily it's just Kulai, not so far. what if it's KL? go back to KL to lodge the report? Please lor.. where's the network? police stations don't have their own network but still use fax machines to contact each other? it's a big joke to me if this is the case.

Anonymous said...

I suppose if somebody rape his sister and he will say, "don't tell the booldy media and you will be just fine." ha.