Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's only RM436 ~ ~ ~

Woa Haa Haa Haa ~~~~ UNBELIEVABLE!! My current month credit card bill was only RM436! That means I didn't charge anything to my credit card this month except for the monthly routine pay out for insurance and CPA subscriptions fee, and RM83 petrol. It has NEVER been so low before in the past whereby my credit card charges stayed as high as RM1,500 to RM2,000 and sometimes even exceed RM2,000! It has always been the case I got salary banked in at this moment, and the next moment it was transferred to another bank, leaving the pathetic little sum of money in my bank for my living.

If I continue to keep my credit card usage to the minimum, I believe I can get rid of poverty very soon.... Woa Haa Haa Haa~~~


Ninjapura said...

Now u everyday work so late in office of cos nothing to spend la.

MISTY said...

i wish i can be like u. dun tell me u charge your SG expenses into your Msia credit card?? hope u are not doing that if not u incur exchange rate differences.

潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

Good lo. my last month credit card SGD 1847!!!

walao.. poor!!! the busier the richer, the freer the poorer~~~

veerla said...

Ninja: that's not necessary the case... i can spend a thousand a day...

Misty: Yeah... I did charge SGD expenses to my card when my bank went as low as SGD20. haha..