"I noticed that E has been taking over your responsibilities to wrap up the FS and the engagements. This is not equitable to him. I expect you to discharge your responsibilities as the AIC of these engagements."

Exactly these feelings...
The whole incident started from the day I came back from my TOIL. On Monday, this E came and told me that client suddenly asked for the FS and asked me to work on it. One of the company that I sent for review before I went on leave was done. Hence, first thing in the morning I did was to look at the manager's comment and sent the FS for amendments.
There was another company where client had merely sent me her figures on last Monday night (before I went off from office and subsequently I would be on TOIL). I told the client that I would be working at home during my absence and she didn't say she wanted it urgently and she's been notified of my absence for the next 3 days. When I barely returned office on Monday, E came and looked for me and told me that the manager asked him to draft the FS for his review. He told me that he had worked on part of them then asked me to continue. Ok.. I was feeling guilty as he helped me on the FS as requested by the manager. I was supposed to go client's place on that day but I ended up doing the FS as the bastard wanted the FS be scanned over to him for his review (he's in HK).
When I was doing all these things, I mentioned to my neighbour about my concern cos I felt that, if I were the manager, I would think that E got all these done as all the email correspondences were all from him. But that time, I wasn't thought of protecting myself as I thought that as long as things were done.
I would expect him to question me if I did help out on the process though, I didn't expect him to email me and point finger on me saying that I discharged my responsibilities! He's not professional at all because he's looking things on surface and before he sent this email out, he didn't even bother to communicate with me!! That's why I said he doesn't show respect to ppl. Don't ever think that his "orders" should be ranked as first priority just because he's the senior manager and therefore he is standing on the top of the world! I have also current week engagement to run, I have some other managers to serve at the same time and I did what I should have done before I went off to client's place!
And my reply to his email:
"I admit that E helped me amend the PIC's points on the FS today. I just want to make it clear to you that I cleared your points on FS, get the FS ready for PIC's review myself when I was told by E that it has become urgent before client called me on Monday. I've also compiled the cleared EQAR's point and PIC's point, get it ready and put them on top of the file just in case that they need to be presented when I'm away at client's place.
I also admit that E helped me out on the other FS while I had also got some of the pages ready during my toil. I was not aware that you emailed him with regards of the FS. On Monday itself, when I was told by E, I did the leftover as told by E.
You may double check and and get E to concur if this is true. I didn't discharge my responsibilities as AIC from these engagements. "
What had he done the day before I returned office and subsequently on Monday and Tuesday:
1. He emailed E and asked E to draft the FS for review
2. He was urging E to scan him the FS for review on Monday
3. He sent all the client's email addressed to E but cc me
DID HE TAKE ME AS THE AIC FOR THE ENGAGEMENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE??? If he did, he would have done the above 3 things!!
1 comment:
STUPID MANAGER! HOPE its not the one that u ask me on.
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