Was shopping around at Jusco and saw there's a guy standing at the entrance of Starbuck, looked like promoting new drink.... Being busybody, I walked towards the guy with my sister, see what's new.
Both of us took one of the drink and the guy started introducing the new flavour of coffee... blah blah blah..... I didn't really pay attention to what he said but then I heard this: banana! What?! BANANA? "Yeah... it's banana... it's our new drink. It's coffee mixed with banana, chocolate chips and vanilla...... it tastes very nice..." "Oh no, sorry.... I don't take banana...." Then I put the drink back to the tray. This was then exchanged by a teasing from my sister: "ohh.... too bad....."
*argh* Why mix banana with the coffee??? Isn't it weird??
Ha. This world like creative stuff ma. Human likes to slap own mouth nowadays. Haha~~
The name of the drink is "Banana Java Chips". Ice-blended drink. anyway, i'm not going to buy it lor........ hehe..
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