Thursday, May 3, 2007

Face mapping exercise

I've learnt this website for quite some time... just that I didn't try it out as I'm quite lazy to. But then, I saw this post and I was thinking: surely not? The outcome is the same? Different picture of the same celebrity? Come on... I don't believe it. Hence, being busybody, I also tried upload a few of my pictures... On one hand, I was wondering which celebrity I resembled the most... On the other hand, I was also thinking if that "miracle" would happen on me also? It's a disappointment.... cos for every pictures that I uploaded, it churned out different celebrity faces!

It was Matsu Takako for the first try. Then..

With another picture, the outcome is different! *How come?* This round, it's Kim Hee-Sun. Okay... let's see what's next..

It's another celebrity face again ! Rachel McAdams. Win liao lor... firstly Japanese, then Korean, now Canadian...

And, hey.. that's a little boy... How would Joss Stone resembled him?

Then the last try....

Now is Lee Hyori.

I want to try no more. I guess it will give me another celebrity face if I were try another round. Well... at least give me one of 2 repeated outcome so that I can proudly tell others: Ohh.... this advanced face recognition technology actually featured that I resemble xxx.... haha...

P/S: I really want to take my hat off to wikipedia. Whatever chicken feed you search there, you'll get what you want there..


Yiqi said...'s really an entertainment to cheer ourselves up..ha

veerla said...

yalor... just for fun.. especially when you've nothing better to do... like me.. hehe..

潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

hey, of course the same celebrity wont appear as 1st picture when you upload the new photo.. it will be 2nd or 3rd or even 4th.. there are about 4-6 celebrity appears by clicking next... so for my case, i found Jet Li ~~~~

veerla said...

ohh??? i didn't noe that i can click "next". haha...
no wonder that magic applies on u only. hehe....